Pikangikum, ON

Mural at Eenchokay Birchstick School
MERIDIAN VR: Art Alive Pikangikum

“Pikangikum is an Ojibwe First Nation community in northeastern Ontario. It has many challenges, but it also has youth who are filled with creative energy, and who are proud of their home, their language and their culture. We wanted to make a piece with the kids from Pik. With the help of ArtsCan Circle and director Amanda Strong, over 60 students helped paint a mural depicting the teachings on the wall of their newly opened school, which SESQUI has turned into an interactive piece for VR.” – SESQUI Director of Digital, Joel McConvey

  • This interactive #VR mural is a collaboration by artists from @artscancircle, @spottedfawnart & students from Pikangikum, ON.
  • In Dec 2016, they painted a new mural on the wall of their school.
  • Indigenous filmmaker Amanda Strong used stop motion to adapt it into an animated VR piece. #CDNfilm